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Smart Trainer with "motion estimation"



Jun 2018 - Sep 2018 (4 months)


Designer (Team of 2)


Design Fiction

Tool Used

Adobe Creative Suites


UI/UX Design


UX Research

Usability Testing

Feasibility Testing 

0 Concept Background
0.1  The Challenge

The balance between fitness and fast-paced professional life is hard, but it shouldn't be a luxury. In this project, we are going to take advantage of the existing sensor in the phone and make a fitness lifestyle as easy as possible.

0.2  The Outcome

FitPal is a humanized fitness app that provides a deep customized professional fitness plan for busy workers with insufficient work-out skills according to the user’s response to the workout movement. 

3. TV-Phone Interaction Fast.gif

By cooperating with a secondary screen, it could prevent users from repeatedly practicing harmful workout patterns regardless of their training experience.

Research & Design Process
1 Research & Design Process
1.1 Design Process

We conducted various research to implement every phase of the design.

1. Contextural Inquiry.jpeg
2. Literature Review.png
3. Feasibility Test.jpg
1. Project Structure .png
Contextual Inquiry
Literature Review
Feasibility Study

Interviews to learn how our target group stays fit and what keeps them from exercise. 

Literature review to see the potential position & ideas of technology in the proposal.

Feasibility Study with an MVP to examine the validity of the proposed concept.

1.2 Analysis & Ideation
Behavior Pattern

Why exactly people don't work out? According to our interview, we sketched an after-work routine to answer the question.

Behaviour Pattern.png
Behaviour Pattern.png

According to our research, the main reason for people to quit exercise is either they have various plans compared to their repetitive training routine, or they are afraid of doing the incorrect movement which leads to injury. But besides these fundamental reasons, we also have some insights that what our user thinks to make them abandon work out according to our interview.

Insight 1.png
Insight 2.png
Affinity Diagram

In that regard, we have the following brainstorm on how could we ensure workout quality and what could be done for us to make a customized training plan for users. After that, we discuss the feasibility of these ideas and how we could bring it to reality.

Affinity Diagram1.jpg
Ensure Workout Quality
Affinity Diagram3.jpg
​Training Customization
Affinity Diagram2.jpg
Brainstorm Classification.png

After that, we filtered 18 ideas from our affinity diagram. We analyzed those ideas in terms of user acceptabilities and technology feasibilities in the diagram on the left. Ultimately, we keep 7 ideas as our initial principles to enhance workout quality.

Brainstorm Note.png
Ideations & Deliverables
2 Ideations & Deliverables
2.1  Foundation Concept
Utilize Smartphone Sensors to Monitor Movement
1. Mechanism Diagram.png
1. Mechanism Diagram.png
1. Mechanism Diagram.png

Every normal exercise movement could be traced and evaluated with limited data input(meaning the angle, speed, acceleration, etc of one key part of the human body). Such patterns in data could be used to reconstruct the movement itself and reflected its accuracy and intensity. 


Based on this hypothesis, by attaching the smartphone to the key part of the user's arms/waist, we could understand the user's movement and provide a safe & efficient exercise process.

Integrate Secondary Screen to Realtime Enhance 
2. Instruction Diagram.png

By using a TV(second monitor) as a display extension, we could create an intuitive workout routine for our users not only to make sure they have enough exercise but also to correct their workout movement to keep them from potential injuries. 

2.2  Key Features
a. Guide User When They Exercise Incorrectly

By immediately learning the data input from the phone, FitPal could tell whether your movement is correct and adaptively adjust the training plan, to both ensured that our user reaches designated workout amount as well they didn't get too frustrated during the workout.

4. Correct people when they exercise inc
b. Visualize Trainer's Progress

If using FitPal consistently, it could learn your body better by tracking and comparing your response towards different movements over time.


By gradually forming a virtual profile of your body, we could even provide customized suggestions accordingly.

5. Visualize Trainer's Progress-1.png
5. Visualize Trainer's Progress-2.png

Visualize your muscle situations & exercise progress

Through data accumulation & on-device intelligence

By gradually forming a virtual profile of your body, we could even provide customized suggestions accordingly.

5. Visualize Trainer's Progress-3.gif

Post Training Evaluation to integrate subjective feedback into the customization process

c. Virtual Training Assistant Provide Supervision and Companionship

Given the nature of the customized training plan according to the user's daily activity, using a virtual training assistant similar to Siri could be much more intuitive than simply using an instruction based interface.

To make sure that the user is getting familiar with this type of interaction, our user will be given a small conversation regarding their fitness information at the beginning of them using the app.

6. Virtual Training Assistant-1.gif

Virtual Training Assistant walk you through the application

6. Virtual Training Assistant-2.gif

Virtual Training Assistant (Hastro) is a vision we have. With the development AI and machine learning, users could consult all fitness-related matters with Hastro, like modifying his training plan by simply hitting Fitpal logo on the home page and start talking to him.

Virtual Training Assistant help you modify plans

2.3  Production & Iterations

The process of designing Fitpal went through 2 Iterations according to the research & usability test.


Iteration (Current)





Activity Calculation

Landing Page

Evaluation Page


Home Page

Exercise Evaluation

TV - Homepage

Eating Status

Food Scan

Digital Profile

Chat Page

Plan Feedback

Q & A Page

TV - Finish Page

Landing Page

Chat Page

ui board1.png

Record Page

Activity Tracking

Exercise Interface

TV - Pause/Intermission

Connection Instruction


2.4  Prototype

To accommodate the representation of interactions between TV and mobile phone, we redefine the prototyping process using Adobe XD. Please kindly see our outcome below.

To experience this prototype in full resolution, please visit: 

3 Logistic & Takeaways
Logistic & Takeaways
3.1 Feasibility Test
Feasibility Test.jpg

Although it seems plausible to track your movement through the sensors on your phone, it is still necessary to test it in real life. In that regard, we made an MVP to test our idea, using an app called SensorKinectics to prove our hypothesis.

Feasibility Test Squat Diagram.png

We are using an accelerometer sensor for the evaluation of Squat. We can observe that a healthy workout pattern has a significant difference compares to the other. All the parameter(on the y-axis) is changing slowly.




3.2 Usability Test

a. Test Setup

Before jumping into our most current iteration, we conduct a usability test (wizard of oz) aiming to hone a more adaptive experience to accommodate the different user and their workout patterns. The testing objectives are:

-Mobile-TV Interaction during the workout​

-Ability to accomplish an accurate workout routine after guidance

-User’s Perceptions of the virtual coach

Usability Test Script.jpg

Testing Script

Usability Test2.jpg

Regular Navigation Test

Usability Test1.jpg

Exercise Navigation Test

To provide an experience close to our imagination of the product, we create two sets of a prototype for both the TV second monitor and the smartphone. While the testee is navigating through the smartphone prototype, our tester is optimizing the screen accordingly.

b. Analysis & Discovery

After recording the testee’s interaction and record their feedback, we noticed the following result of how many times and why they running into any problem while using our product.


Can’t look at the secondary monitor for instruction when paused

Have difficulties resume after interrupted by notifications

Tap in the wrong Area to cause the abortion of the exercise

User fails to skip certain steps when he/she feels it is unnecessary


Times and Reasons Testee Running into Glitches


Correct their movement

Perceptions of "Hastro"


Distracted by notification


Prefer Voice Interaction




Testee's Reaction to Testing Process

Combining our statistical result along with our observation, we reach the following discovery regarding each objective:


c. Iteration Strategy

1. Allow more freedom for the user to customize their workout experience, namely, implement voice command as an alternative to “tap” during exercise, allow the user to skip unnecessary steps during the workout


2. Enhance the presence of “Hastro” in the user flow, like integrating it in TV interaction, utilizing dialogue instead of Q&A as a consultation agenda, etc


3. Apply instructions in multiple media during the workout process, like implement voice playback, highlight which muscles are being trained, etc.

3.3 Next Step

a. Optimize Workout Routine


Given that the real training process is much more unpredictable, more usability test with physical mock-up is necessary to create a seamless workout process.

b. Establish Mathematical Correlations in the Feasibility Study


The feasibility test proved that from the data we collected, we could distinguish the right movement from the wrong. However, to evaluate intensity and precision, the mathematical correlations between movement and data should be established.

c. Rationalize Personal Health Evaluation


Given the quantity of data we could collect, a much more sophisticated approach of evaluation process could be developed to reconstruct the user's physical condition into a digital profile. It could provide better service compares to a normal fitness app.

Organize by Junchao Yang Since 2019

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